On Saturday 27 April, the King will celebrate his birthday with his family in Emmen. We want to make this King’s Day a wonderful celebration, together with you. The King and his family will take a walk through the centre of Emmen. You can find the map showing the route on this page.
King Willem-Alexander and the members of the Royal Family will start their visit to Emmen on King’s Day at the square Noorderplein. They will walk through the street Hoofdstraat to the square Marktplein. The walk continues through Hoofdstraat (between Lindenhof and Hospers House) to the entrance of Rensenpark and via the square Kerkplein towards the town hall. From there, the Royal family will complete the last part of the route. They walk to the square Raadhuisplein via the skate park and Wildlands. The visit will be concluded festively on the main stage.
During the walk, the Royal family passes a number of squares where various themes connect the past of the municipality with the present. This is a perfect opportunity to show Emmen’s ambitions. View the programme.
Questions and answers
The Royal walk starts at 11 am and will be broadcast live by NOS on NPO1, on Saturday 27 April. In principle, the route will be completed in two hours.
That’s not clear yet. Places must be reserved along the route for the press and people with disabilities, for example. We will know more about this at the beginning of April. You can read this information on this page.
You have to be early to get the best spots.
Yes, two special public areas will be reserved for visitors with disabilities. These two public areas are near Grote Kerk and the Raadhuisplein.
No, you do not have to buy a ticket to be able to stand along the route. We will reserve special places near Grote Kerk and the Raadhuisplein for people with disabilities.
Yes, you can! However, the organisation can’t assist you with this. Gifts to the King and his family are passed on directly to staff of the Royal Household. More expensive gifts will be registered. Gifts that are perishable, such as flowers and food, will be assessed and decided on individually.
The Royal family will be in Emmen for two hours. We looked at what we would like to show to the Royal family and the rest of the Netherlands. If we were to visit different villages and local neighbourhoods, it would take far too much travel time and that would mean that during this time we would not be able to showcase anything to the Netherlands. That’s why the route is in the centre of Emmen. This route allows us to show both the old and new parts of the centre and presents a perfect opportunity to meet as many people as possible and get to know Emmen. We want to show that Emmen and the surrounding region are versatile and that it’s good to live, work, study and recreate here. Space, energy and pride are central themes during King’s Day and are in the hearts of the people of Emmen.