King’s Day in Emmen – from the heart

Space, energy and pride. These are the three themes that will be central on King’s Day this year. These words are in the hearts of Emmen residents and that’s why the logo is a butterfly made up of three hearts. This is in keeping with the feeling that Emmen wants to convey on 27 April of this year during the visit of the King and his family: from the heart.

Special bond with butterflies

“Emmen has traditionally had a special bond with butterflies. Besides, everyone loves butterflies. A friend to us all. Just as King’s Day is a day by and for all of us, regardless of age or origin. The logo is a butterfly made up of three hearts with the chest forward and a proud look. It represents our past, present and future, as well as space, energy and pride. They are the three themes that the people of Emmen have close to their hearts for King’s Day,” Eric van Oosterhout, Mayor of Emmen explains.

A day by and for all Emmen residents

Preparations for the visit of the Royal family are in full swing. In recent weeks, the whole of Emmen, from residents to businesses, submitted no fewer than 500 ideas for the day. They were ideas from the heart. Ideas varied from having a cup of coffee with the King to modern technology, (installation) art, dance and music. All entrants received a personal message from the Mayor this week.


Residents of the Municipality of Emmen can continue to contribute to King’s Day during the run-up. They will be helping to decorate this day. Anyone can make and hand in so-called ‘doodles’ (basic drawings). These doodles are ultimately combined and used on flags, banners and the carpet that the Royal family will be walking on, for example.